"Don't Trust Me" đź…´
This post is part of a series: Part I, “If We Were Vampires,” Part II, “Psycho Killer,” Part III, “The Graveyard Near The House,” Part IV, “Don’t Trust Me,” Part V, “Oxford Comma,” Part VI, “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For.”
Molly and Julia are grabbing coffee. They’re sitting outside, Molly is wrapped head to toe in material and they’re sitting under a huge umbrella to protect them from the sun.
Molly: How did you find out?
Julia: That he was cheating? I found them together, she was wearing a “black dress with the tights underneath.” She was leaning on him, giggling, and her foot was up in the air while she showed him off to her friends.
Julia takes a long drag on her lit cigarette to finish it. She checks her herself in the sugar container top.
Julia: Ugh, “I got the breath of the last cigarette on my teeth.” Do you have a way to get rid of this? Any mints? I don’t normally smoke, but boy do I need it now.
Molly: Do you know anything about her?
Julia: She has fake blond hair and everyone is fucking obsessed with her.
Molly: “And she’s an actress.”
Julia: An “actress?” Sure.
Molly: I mean Jimmy really isn’t all that, no offense. What does she see in him?
Julia: “She ain’t got no need” to be a gold digger. He’s not made out of money. It’s most likely the opposite. “She’s got money from her parents in a trust fund.” She’s set.
Molly: Leave him. You and Mun should just go “back east.”
Julia: Mun actually likes this town. We’ve traveled so much, it’s hard to find anywhere we like.
Molly: I feel the same about moving Sarah and her brother here. Now we might have to leave in a few years.
Julia: It’s hard to have secrets in this town.
Molly: What aren’t you telling me?
Julia: Why are you wearing head to toe clothing in 90 degree weather?
Molly: It’s what’s in.
Julia: We are going to need more time and wine.
The music and video above is owned by the artists and their record labels, as applicable.