"This is the New Year"
Woman is getting ready for a New Years Eve party throughout the scene. The party she’s going to is formal and the dress chosen is modern to the time this is performed.
Woman: I can’t believe tomorrow is already another new year! A few hours from now really. Big things are coming! When I was young it seemed that everything went super slowly. All it consisted of was the better half of one grade, a summer, and the start of another. The holidays always make everything seem so fast in the fall. As an adult, I seem to blink and it’s over and on to the next.
New year for a new me! My friends keep saying that. It’s our squads hashtag. What was it that Juliette mentioned? That’s right, she said, “‘Speak louder than the words before you’ and what you want will be realized in time.”
There is a sticky note on the mirror that she lifts it up to read from.
My motto this year, my mantra. (taking a big breath) “Give them meaning no one else has found.”
She repeats this two line more times, breathing deeply between.
As a teacher by profession who loves everything from learning to being to understanding to growing, the thing to remember is that “the role we play is so important” for others around us. It means that I’m putting everything down on paper before the new year begins. My goals and aspirations. No excuses. Unlike last year where I’m still trying to fight the guilt demons and the “voices of the underground” for all of those items I didn’t make happen or even half complete, like working out 3 times a week. I worked out maybe five times total in January. Not this year!
That always happens though, in October or November, I think about what I had set up to accomplish on January 1st… I’m always so off-base. Last year, I wanted to finally be in a relationship so that “I [could] give the world” to whoever I ended up with. Jokes on me. I can say I had the worst dating situations happen. They’d make a good book. Maybe that should be on my list of things to accomplish.
I better start memorizing my list for this brand new year and me:
“Say everything you’ve always wanted” out loud, be confident
“Be not afraid of who you really are” to everyone, be yourself
Try something new that makes you nervous, be adaptable
Learn a new hobby that can make you a side hustle, be abundant
Give and volunteer for those in need, be charitable
And I should have another about love because it’s “at least one thing worth living for.” I don’t want to be that hurt again. When I realized love wasn’t going to happen for me this past year I cried for 3 days straight, don’t know where that came from, it just was a nonstop waterfall. I couldn’t even stop when I told myself to quit being a child.
That won’t happen this year! This year is about positivity and making all kinds of waves in my life. In my career and hobbies and health and wealth! To all my friends, “I will give the world to” them. It feels like the best year yet, although I hope I haven’t jinxed that.
Can’t wait to ring in the new year with everyone tonight!! Like my mom used to wish me when I was a kid, “let ‘a million suns that shine upon [you]’ guide you throughout the next year.“ She said that at all the birthdays too. So there are a lot of suns helping a lot of people at all times.
“This is the new year, a new beginning,” and it’s going to be great.
Woman picks up her purse and walks off-stage. End.
The music and video above is owned by the artists and their record labels, as applicable.