"I'm Not Famous"
Cheryl: Excuse me!
Cheryl: EXCUSE.ME.
Stef: Yes Miss Cheryl?
Cheryl: Don’t you Miss Cheryl me. My name is Cheryl and I’ve been calling you for 20 minutes.
Stef: Sorry Mi… Sorry Cheryl. I’m here now. You have your show coming up and we thought you wanted peace.
Cheryl: If I wanted peace I would have told you that’s what I want. Where did the agency even find all of you?
Stef: Is there something I can get you?
Cheryl: Yes.
Awkward pause.
Cheryl: I want you to bring in five people waiting outside for my show right now. I’m feeling charitable and will sign some autographs!
Stef peers outside.
Stef: (to Cheryl) There’s no one there.
Cheryl: Impossible! “Where my haters?!”
Stef: Cheryl, you “don’t got ‘em, [you’re] not famous.”
Cheryl: “No?”