This post is part of a series: Part I, “Kashmir,” Part II, “Iris,” Part III, “Tesselate,” and Part IV, “Lost Cause, “ Part V, “Undisclosed Desires,” and Part VI, “There’s Never Enough Time.”
Pierre is working in a small workshop he has built over time. It’s been 50 earth years on the original planet. He still looks the same, but may be more muscular and toned as he’s had to do everything by himself and sustain off of canned food. He’s on the phone with Hologram Woman and her partner, Hologram Man. All three have become close in the years that have passed and both these people are much older looking as time has worn and passed for them.
Pierre: I know it sounds ridiculous, but “triangles are my favorite shape.” They have been since I was a kid. It was this love that really made me understand the crispness of “three points where two lines meet.” So exact and the importance of these triangles is why I’m here now.
Hologram Woman: It’s a really important discovery that you made there. It’s been my pleasure to help you figure out how to get off of this planet you got stuck on. Did you have any competition on Earth?
Pierre: Yeah. There was this duo team that was going “toe to toe” with me. We were constantly one step ahead or behind one another at any time. They actually technically came to the solution first. We talked “back to back” trying to decide who would do the thing and try it. Well I was the only one who was willing to take the chance.
Hologram Man: “Let’s go” back to the beginning. We should have talked about this years ago, we may be able to pick up on some stuff to help build the machine again.
Hologram Woman: “My Love it’s very late.” We should start back up in the morning.
Pierre: I forgot how many hours we’ve spent today. Still need to create that clock that aligns with your time. You guys need to get some sleep and we’ll reconvene when “morning comes.”
Hologram Woman: “Let’s tessellate” then.
Hologram Man: “Go alone,” but don’t do anything crazy tonight. Take care and we’ll tessellate.
Pierre: To tessellations.
Hologram Woman and Hologram Man log off. Pierre sits at his table for a while before he goes to the sink to get water for his plants and flowers.
Pierre: It’s incredible, “my flower,” that you even exist. I don’t have a green thumb, but the fact that life is growing again on a planet that has been decimated means a lot for the world I’m trying to get so desperately back to. In 50 years how much has the world changed? I assume no one remembers me. I won’t know until I get back. It has to be in the tessellations. Figuring out how to point a tessellation toward the one I need to get back to. Our math isn’t quite right, but I think we can do this in the next few years. Somehow I’ll have to take all of these notes with me before I make the next jump. Inversing better allow me to take paper in case I end up on the wrong planet. (pauses) TIme to start on the clock tuned to their world before our team starts again tomorrow. It makes it easy that I don’t have to sleep here.
This post relates to Part I, “Kashmir,” and Part II, “Iris.”
The music and video above is owned by the artists and their record labels, as applicable.