This post is part of a 3-part series. Part 1 - "California", Part II - "Malibu", and Part III - "California".
Jules and Robin are on their porch. This is the last night in their current house.
Robin: "I want you to move to California for yourself."
Jules: We've talked about this. You can't expect that. I'm doing this for us.
Robin: You have already mentioned how tired you are. That we might be better on a break. I still won't change how I feel about that but what I do want… well "I want you to find whatever your heart needs."
Jules: The same can be said for you too. "I want you to move to California for yourself, but not for me." You have a great opportunity out there. Take it.
Robin: I have. You know that and I thought we were back on this as a positive change for both of us.
Jules: No. I've already talked to my sister. I'm going to go stay with her and her family. "I want you to go out there and find somebody else." We've known for a while this wasn't going to be forever.
Robin: That's a problem. I don't know why you have never felt like you're worth it in this relationship. I can't keep fighting you on this.
Jules: Listen, I just imagine there's someone better for you. "I want him to treat you like I know he should." You're something else.
Robin: It's a cliche and cop out. Have you already found someone then?
Jules: No. Of course not. I just want better for you. "I want you to find somebody new for yourself" and if for nothing else then "if not for me."
Robin: You've been waiting to tell me?
Jules: I didn't want it to be another thing for you to think about on top of our house closing.
Robin: I don't get you.
Jules: You've gotten me more than anyone else. If that's any consolation.
Robin: It just feels hollow. That I had all the emotions, "all of the feelings that I know you never felt" but you said it like you knew it was what I wanted.
Jules: There's nothing...
Robin: (interrupting) "And all of the simple words you never said." I'm the fool. I want to share everything I feel right now but it would ruin the good memories.
Jules: Please. Don't. "I want you to keep them like a secret to yourself." I've already packed my last stuff and will get out of your way tonight. Do you want me to take you to the airport in the morning?
Robin: No. I'll call Sam. She already offered weeks ago. Apparently I'm the only one that thought we were going to California together.
Jules walks into the house. Robin sips her wine.
The music and video above is owned by the artists and their record labels, as applicable.