"Inner Glow"
Note from the author: In light of everything happening with Coronavirus it’s a lot of fun to think about what it would be like to be out with friends again. Since we can’t escape what’s going on in the world, please stay safe and, unfortunately, in your homes. One day (relatively soon) we’ll be able to move about the cabin (and world!) again.
Three friends are hanging out and opening a new game. Friend 1 starts to lay out the cards, Friend 2 brings over the drinks, and Friend 3 is trying to decipher the rules.
Friend 1: Can’t believe we can finally hang out again.
Friend 2: It’s been months. Our virtual happy hours were not cutting it.
Friend 1: Well it’s all for the best. We finally don’t have to worry about hanging out and we minimized the effects so that’s good.
Friend 2: (to Friend 3) “Hide the rule book.” We don’t need it.
Friend 3: We should at least learn this right.
Friend 1: “Throw it in the waste” basket. We’re free! Let’s play.
Friend 3: Hey. Stop. We “look strong,” but it’s been a struggle. You don’t feel lost?
Friend 1: I did. I still do. What now? How can you feel “like you belong” in times like these?
Friend 2: I hope that feeling goes away "cause you do belong."
Friend 3: I'm just scared. So many people passed away. I knew a few who knew a few who were affected, but it was still 3 degrees of separation or something. "Whether right or wrong" we dodged a bullet.
Friend 2: That's fine, but "you belong."
Friend 1: Is there anything we can do? "Cause I'm on your side" as we figure out what's next.
Friend 2: Continue to buy local, overtip, volunteer where we can, donate blood, help someone out.
Friend 3: It feels like the world failed. Everything moved too fast, but not really fast enough. So like, I failed.
Friend 1: Well "if you fail" it means "at least you tried."
Friend 2: We're here for you. Honestly we have "to keep...aching, celebrating, wonder making," and surviving.
Friend 3: It takes all my energy to keep my "heart alive” and get back into pretending it’s normal. It feels easier to give up.
Friend 1: At least you're talking to us about it! it does no good to have too much "pride. Don't keep it all inside."
Friend 2: We're all figuring it out together. Let's play something… switch to Go Fish?
The music and video above is owned by the artists and their record labels, as applicable.