Four friends are heading to a house party. Drac is driving. Wolfie is riding shotgun with Mrs. Frankenstein and Ghost riding in the back. They're excited because this is their time.
Drac: You know, "they say that death and taxes..."
Wolfie: Why you gotta bring us down?
Mrs. Frankenstein: (exaggerated) "Are the two sure things in life."
Drac: You get me.
Ghost: You two have know each other too long.
Mrs. Frankenstein: You mean for an eternity?
Wolfie: "Well, if that's automatic"ally your response.
Ghost: Can you put something else on? One more ‘50s song and I'm out.
Drac: You don't appreciate good music.
Wolfie: What do you want to listen to?
Ghost: Something that makes me feel alive!
Mrs. Frankenstein: "We should all rethink what makes us come alive."
Wolfie: Alright Frankie. "Let's go!" You start. What makes you feel alive?
Mrs. Frankenstein: I don't want to go first.
Drac: I will.
Wolfie: Shoot.
Drac: The smell of the Autumn. The leaves changing colors. It reminds me another year has come and will go. Like the rest of them.
Ghost: "Maybe that's why we're screamin' in the mirror."
Everyone looks at Ghost.
Ghost: Alright. That's just me.
Wolfie: "We know that life gets heavy" but I gotta ask you the question. Can you see yourself in a mirror?
Ghost: I pretend to.
Wolfie: Okay. Say less!
Mrs. Frankenstein: "So let's come to realize" that in the time I've been alive there's multiple billions more humans roaming around.
Drac: "There's over seven billion of us" too.
Wolfie: "So just try to keep an open mind." We don't want to disturb them. We know what they would do if they knew about all of us. (shivers)
Ghost: We double the earth's population and somehow we sneak by.
Drac: It's easier for some than others.
Ghost: What if they do know? What if "that's why [they're] screamin' on the internet"? They are spooked and don't even know why.
Wolfie: That's deep Ghost.
Drac: Also "lonely." Humans are all so lonely.
Mrs. Frankenstein: Ugh, can we change the subject? "This planet tends to get so woe-is-me."
Ghost: "And 'round and 'round we go."
Wolfie: They really are "so lonely."
Drac: "So sometimes" we need try something.
Mrs. Frankenstein: "We just need to scream!"
All four friends "scream" into the night.
The music and video above is owned by the artists and their record labels, as applicable.