"Leave the Show"
Jen waits for Sal. She's sitting on the edge of a large fountain outside the museum they were walking through a few minutes ago.
Jen: I keep "writing the drama over again" in my mind. We need to finally talk.
Sal walks up. reaches out his hand, but Jen doesn't take it.
Sal: (unbothered) Why did you walk out of that exhibit. It was actually much more interesting than I anticipated, the "makeup and stage lights" I had no idea how much artistry goes into plays.
Jen looks at Sal for a few beats. She repeatedly almost says something and then doesn't.
Sal: Okay. So let's do that thing.
Jen: (exhausted) What thing?
Sal: That exercise. Where "I play Frank and you play Marie."
Jen: Fine. You start.
Sal: Well first I want to say I love you.
Jen stays silent.
Sal: And then this is where you "go on and say you love me more."
Jen: I don't want to do this. Can we stop pretending.
Sal: "Then tell me it's over for sure."
Jen: Sal, I don't want that either.
Sal: What do you want, Jen?
Jen: I just want things to be the same. No changes.
Sal: "So we keep writing and the story goes" over and over and we never learn anything and always do the same thing and that will make you happy?
Jen: Pretty much.
Sal: So "you say you love me, no?"
Jen: Yes and then "you say you love me?"
Sal: "Yeah," but "then you leave me."
Jen: I...
Sal: It's okay that this has to happen. You're about to tour, live out your dream. You are outgrowing me and I don't think I can catch up to who you are. Let's try it again. So "you say you love me, no?"
Jen: Yes and then "you say you love me?"
Sal: "Yeah and then you leave me for the show."
The music and video is owned by the artists and their record labels, as applicable.