“Kansas City”
Olivia and Chris have been fighting on and off all day. There’s exasperation in the air. The scene can be set anywhere closed and private, but not a bedroom. The anger builds throughout the scene.
Olivia: Look at me.
Olivia moves Chris’ head to face her.
Olivia: Look at me. Listen to me.
Chris: “I listen to you time and time again.” You’re not changing.
Olivia: I’m trying to be better to “tell [you] just what’s right.” We deserve to give this another chance.
Chris: We’re past that. I can’t keep this up.
Olivia: I’ll tell you again.
Chris: Stop. “You tell me a thousand things a day,” but they’re just ways to trick me. I see that. I’m done being manipulated.
Olivia: Baby, that’s not what I’m doing.
Chris: Then why do you “sleep somewhere else at night?”
There’s a long pause. Chris is waiting for Olivia to respond.
Chris: That’s all that I need. “I’m going back to Kansas City.”
Olivia: “I love you dear!”
Chris: What are you talking about? You don’t.
Olivia: I do!
Chris: “And just how long, can I keep singing the same old song” with you? So I’ll save you time and everything because “I’m going back to Kansas City.”
Olivia: Fine. Doesn’t matter to me.
Chris: Why?
Olivia: “He called me to come” back to the islands so I’ll go back to him because you don’t like me.
Chris: “Then I do” understand.
Olivia: (angrily) You’re not going to fight for me?
Chris: No. “You say you’ve made some mistakes.” I have to. This whole thing is quickly turning into something I do not want to repeat.
Olivia: What am I supposed to do? “You invite me into your house” and “then you say you got to pay for what you drink!” That doesn’t sound fair does it?
Chris: Do not. DO NOT turn this on me, when that is what YOU do. You don’t even get it. You don’t understand why I’m “going back to Kansas City.” You refuse to take any responsibility for your actions. Well that is it. I. Am. Done.
Olivia: (whispers) But “I love you dear.”
Chris: It doesn’t even matter anymore who loves whom. “Just how long can I keep singing this same old song?”
The music and video above is owned by the artists and their record labels, as applicable.