Jackie and Jill see each other randomly at the grocery store.
Jackie: It's been how long?
Jill: Jackie? No way! At least fifteen years.
Jackie: You know "i've worn the same skinny jeans since I was fifteen!" I can't believe it's been that long.
Jill: That's when skinny jeans were in style. How are you? You got married recently?
Jackie: Almost 8 years ago and we have a little boy, he's turning three next week.
Jill: No!? That can't be. I recently started a masters program and it's tough. But what you're doing with the little one, "it's probably nothing" like that. You have a toddler!
Jackie: So what about this program you're in?
Jill: It's an MBA. Trying to do more at work but they won't promote me until I have it. Was talking to some people last week about work and promotions and what's happening now. "My friends say they're quittin' this week to chase down their dreams" and I'm jealous.
Jackie: "They're probably bluffin' but" you're doing great it sounds like. Did you and that guy you were dating in college make it?
Jill: Oh no. That ended right after graduation. He constantly saying, "don't you like it bigger,better?" And he was talking about life.
Jackie: Well "you do what you can."
Jill: I like less mystery. More certainty..
Jackie: "Don't you like a little better when you don't understand?"
Jill: Absolutely not! I mean back then "I was gonna save the planet" and "today I got plans" that are centered around me.
Jackie: Nothing wrong with that. That freedom doesn't last forever.
Jill: You're right. "I guess this is just what I am." It was great running into you. We should grab coffee soon.
Jackie: Of course. I'm still at the same number.
The music and video above is owned by the artists and their record labels, as applicable.