This is part II of part I, “Not Gonna Get Us.”
Julia is tied to a chair in an empty warehouse. She slowly comes to and as she does, realizes her situation. She is stuck and needs to find a way out from this attack.
Julia: (raspily) I’ve “got to get away.” Why is my head burning? What did they do to me? This isn’t the first time I’ve been in this mess. “Everyone inside my head” and trying to figure out secrets. Well too bad for these guys. That won’t happen. Now to figure out who they are.
There’s the sound of someone dragging metal chair legs on concrete. Sacha drops the chair with a loud clang, this reverberates and there are a few seconds of silence. Sacha sits down.
Sacha: Now.
Julia spits on the ground.
Sacha: Don’t be rude. We haven’t done anything to you…. yet.
Julia: I’ve “got to get away.”
Sacha: Good luck with that. What are you going to do?
Julia: Yeah right, like I’d tell you. I’ve been in this situation before. Most who hold me don’t care and “want me alive or dead.” I’m sure you’re not special.
Sacha: You’re clever. We knew that when we captured you.
Julia: Who does?
Sacha starts to laugh, it’s callous and despicable. This lasts an uncomfortable amount of time.
Sacha: Who was the woman with you?
Julia: What woman?
Sacha: (leans in) We can do this the hard way or we can do this easy...er way.
Julia: She “was like a fake friend who warms you up and takes you in” and then sells you to someone else. I’m sure you know what I mean. Your people do it all the time.
Sacha: I don’t believe you.
Julia: (shrugs) Okay.
Sacha is infuriated by this and stands up.
Sacha: It’s time for me to get the tools.
Julia: “You mouth the words, but no sound comes out.” What was that?
Sacha: I am going to torture you for information on your friend.
Julia: You new to the business?
Sacha: No.
Julia: You shouldn’t tell me what you’re torturing me about. Now I can prepare.
Julia winks at Sacha. Sacha takes the chair and throws it past Julia.
Sacha: She “was like your best friend.” You will talk because she is the one who “[woke] you up and [took] you in.” You wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for her. You’ll never know if she is alive or dead if you don’t answer.
Julia: There you go again. Mumbling. Here’s some professional advice, don’t “mouth the words” and make sure we can hear each “sound.” Try “again!”
Sacha: Just wait.
Julia: Shouldn’t make threats you don’t plan to keep. I forgot, you’re new, so “you don’t know better.”
Sacha storms from the room to get the tools. Julia begins to calculate her escape.
The music and videos above are owned by the artists and their record labels, as applicable.