"One Time Thing" đź…´
Gerald is in his apartment on his cell phone. He’s pacing and getting more annoyed throughout the scene.
Gerald: Lady, I told you already. “When I woke up today I got your message on my phone. You said” that you “had fun” and that you want to see me again and asked if I “ever [made] it home.”
No. You seemed to be interested last night when we left and you texted me as we were parting in different Ubers. Why do you sound so offended? “I tried to read between the lines.” You started getting mad at me when I called the number you texted from. All that seemed like a connection and an invitation to call.
You’re going to blame this on the fact that you were drunk? We both went out and had a couple of drinks. If you don’t want me to text or call or ask you on another date let me know.
That’s fine. I’m glad you had an okay time yesterday. Don’t worry I won’t call you again.
Gerald hangs up, laying out on his couch. His roommate Charles come in.
Charles: How are you after last night?
Gerald: “I’m doing fine. Feels like my head is made of moonshine.”
Charles: Don’t forget the “cheap-ass wine” you had when you got back.
Gerald: Oh god. We drank more? What did I tell you?
Charles: We talked about a woman named Lady.
Gerald: It may be coming back to me. You, “my best friend, told me I should just stop looking for a sign.”
Charles: It is starting to come back to you.
Gerald: What a mess. I really thought it was something more. She and I knew each other before the blind date, it even seemed to be going well.
Charles: “So okay,” start from when you met for the date because “you told me it was just a one time thing.”
Gerald: I thought it would be too. Sometime during the night I thought it was more than “a spark on gasoline.” She seemed really interested. She seemed like she cared enough to try it again sometime soon. “So what could I say?”
Charles: That sucks man. The call you were on, was that her?
Gerald: It was. She told “me it don’t mean a thing.” So it’s over before it even started. Hopefully we won’t see her around with Elizabeth and her friends.
Charles: If I see her, I’ll tell her that “somebody told me you were mean.” Just for you.
Gerald and Charles start laughing. Lights dim.
The music and video above is owned by the artists and their record labels, as applicable.