"Go Places"
Lillie is making dinner. Her children, Christina (early high school) and Mitch (middle school), are doing homework at the dinner table.
Lillie: You know how much you both mean to me.
Mitch: Ugh! Moooooommmmm.
Lillie: “Yes?”
Christina: You’re so gushy and you “always go one step too far.”
Lillie: And it will always be that way even in your 60s. Oh and “come the morning” you’ll need to make sure you have all the cookies in your bag for that class thing you have, Christina.
Mitch: Mom, look at my map!
Lillie: That’s looking good little man. “The four corners I see,” which states are those again?
Mitch: It’s Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona.
Lillie: Nice! Christina, what are you reading in Lit?
Christina: I’m finishing up The Great Gatsby this week.
Lillie: Do you have to do a presentation on it?
Christina: This one is a paper. We’re supposed to answer “what the moral of the back story could be.”
Lillie: For the entire story?
Christina: No! That would be ridiculous. I need to pick a character. I’m thinking about writing about Daisy.
Lillie: Let me know if you want me to read it before it’s due. This weekend a bunch of us are going to the spring farmer’s market across town. Either of you interested?
Mitch: No thanks, I have to go to Trist’s place on Saturday.
Lillie: (looking at Christina) “Come with me?”
Christina: You always “go places” on the weekend. Why can’t we just slow down and relax.
Lillie: That doesn’t sound like an answer.
Christina: Finnneeee. Yes, I’ll come this weekend.
Lillie: I’m glad one of my children likes me. Now wrap up what you’re doing and we can get the table ready for dinner.
The music and video above is owned by the artists and their record labels, as applicable.