“Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want”
Person, center stage. This can be anyone and what they can be looking for can be anything from a new relationship to a job switch or something in between.
Person: It’s a “good time for a change.” I’ve been thinking about this for a while now. Looking inside, at what really matters to me and to my loved ones, there is no better time than now. Now, I’ll be able to make that change. Everyone thinks all of this came so easily. If you ask me about luck, or rather you’re like my neighbor who told me that all I had in the world is luck, then you see everything I’ve done as just one lucky thing to happen after another. I think of this as a set of steps. To understand what I’ve done right and where I’ve gone wrong you have to have the whole picture.
“See. The luck I’ve had” doesn’t seem like it is part of any one category. There are just a few events, here and there, that I can look back at and see that I was “lucky” and that made me who I am now and hopefully will take me on the next adventure. The thing is, luck “can make a good man turn bad” too. Take my cousin, for example. She won the lottery, married one of the richest CEOs in the midwest, and has a seemingly picture-perfect life. She shop lifts. She has NO REASON to. She does it because you can’t have a perfect life. She’s missing something and won’t admit it out loud. You can’t be so lucky that you’re also happy with the outcomes of all that luck. Human nature.
It’s been a long time for me. I haven’t felt that luck bug bite in a while. Especially not when it comes to this. This has been the same way for 8 years. I don’t know who I’m asking, but Universe, “please please please let me… Let Me… LET ME…” Just….”let me get what I want this time.”
It’s not that I “haven’t had a dream in a long time.” I have! The more I dream about something coming true the less it happens. If I go for that long shot...that thing that doesn’t seem to be the perfect choice or even halfway the right choice...well that is the opportunity that ends up working the best. I don’t understand the logic or if there even is such logic when it comes to dreams.g
At this point I’ll take anything. It still has to be good and bring about change.
The music and video above is owned by the artists and their record labels, as applicable.