The Brunch Bunch with Xandra, Yasmin, and Zhen.
Zhen: What just happened?
Xandra: "Interchanging mind control." That's where we are. Mind control because so many won't think for themselves.
Yasmin: Maybe they don't even know how. But what does it mean for the rest of us? What do we do now?
Zhen: We "come let the revolution take its toll."
Yasmin: But our rights have been taken away. The internet is blazing with the idea that guns have more rights than half a population of people in this country. And they are not wrong.
Xandra: And corporations have more rights than people. The people at the top don't care about anything other than their pockets and making sure they don't lose control.
Yasmin: If only "[we] could flick a switch" and start again by paying more attention. It took decades, but they made it so clear what their plan was going to be. If only we would collectively "open [our] third eye" and do something before it was too late.
Zhen: It's not about being able to tell the future. It was coming and people said it out loud and now it has happened. But it's not over. This is bad now, but it's not over. They'll "see that we should never be afraid to die." Women will die again over something so obviously avoidable and we'll debate this in 10 years as if it wasn't already a debate in the 1960s and 70s.
Xandra: We have to "rise up and take the power back." There are no other options now. "It's time the fat cats had a heart attack." Collectively. They need to remember that it's about this country. It’s about us - the people that actually live in it. Not only the small group of them who have access to whatever they want, whenever they want, who dictate their whims and lobby-headed ideals.
Zhen: "You know that their time's coming to an end."
Xandra: Do we?
Yasmin: We have to work on that. People have to stop being apathetic, they have to start down-ballot voting, they have to register when they can and vote in every election, not just every four years.
Zhen: And not just for politicians who match 100% of their outlook because obviously that's the most stupid excuse for not voting. Our friends don’t even match with us 100%. We can't move any direction we want if there's no one in place to even push for that. "We have to unify and watch our flag ascend." To do that our voices have to be heard and in power. We cannot sit back and just let it happen to us or around us.
Yasmin: "They will not force us."
Zhen: "They will stop degrading us."
Xandra: "They will not control us."
Xandra, Yasmin, Zhen: "We will be victorious."
The music and video above is owned by the artists and their record labels, as applicable.