Music is Life. Writing is a journey. Together it creates Stories.

"Good Thing Go"

"Good Thing Go"

Maz is at the top of the staircase.

Maz: Jerr are you downstairs?

Jeremy: I'm making coffee. 

Maz: "I wanna be like your morning coffee."

Jeremy: Did you say something?

Maz: Just make me one please!

Jeremy: "Always the first thing [I] do!" I'll be right up with our coffees.

Maz: "Baby, I know what you're thinking!"

Jeremy: That you should go back into bed?

Maz: FINE! I was just going to stand here looking cute but if you insist…"Before the words even come out of your mouth" I'll see you in bed.

Maz moves to the room and sits on the bed, grabbing her book from the bedside table. Jeremy comes in with two coffees almost immediately.

Maz: You were right behind me!

Jeremy: I had a great view. Here you go. What were you going to ask me?

Maz stares intently, but lovingly at Jeremy. 

Maz: I don't even remember. "When I look at you I forget what the hell we were talking about." I'm just going to stare at you.

Jeremy: Fine. You get now and I'll take my turn later.

Maz: "I don't deserve you."

Jeremy: Obviously you do. 

Maz: You're amazing and "[you'll] never hurt [me]."

Jeremy: "If I ever lost you, I'd die."

Maz: So dramatic! I'll try not to.

Jeremy: Then I'll make it less dramatic. "If I couldn't hold you, I would be so blue."

Maz: I won't let you be blue on purpose.

Jeremy: I'm getting emotional "and I'm not supposed to cry."

Maz: It's okay. I'll cry with you! This coffee tastes so good today. Is it different?

Jeremy: I got a new one. I'm glad you like it.

Maz: "Maybe I'm saying it too early" and "maybe [we're] moving too fast."

Jeremy: I think it's a good tempo. 

Maz: "I may not be the first to love you."

Jeremy & Maz: "But I wanna be the last."

They take a sip of coffee at the same time.

The music and video is owned by the artists and their record labels, as applicable.

"This Will Be Our Year"

"This Will Be Our Year"

